Friday, April 3, 2009

North Node Aries - South Node Libra

For the sake of clarification, it is worth it (as a writer) to clarify one point regarding eastern philosophy and religion in general. It still does have its great importance, particularly where meditation, yoga and other down to earth spiritual practices are concerned. This inherited wisdom, astrologically my lunar south node, exists primarily as an internal guidance system, a reminder to let go and go with the flow... A shift in emphasis is needed, from passivity to action, without neglecting the occasional need for passive reflection and the courtesy/respect I naturally to extend to others.

As a good friend said in response to me today "it's like going to school to learn how to speak english". Some of us don't need to be any more sensitive, just more assertive and true to ourselves by having a thicker skin and firm boundaries. Then that sensitivity has value, when it comes from an individual with a strong spine, one who can totally and completely stand on his/her own two feet. Those of us born in the Aries North Node period (all of us born in 1968) must emphasize autonomy, acting not reacting, leading not following, and ultimately to reach that point where the opposite south node qualities naturally are blissfully showered upon us like "pennies from heaven"... this is our inherited wisdom which need no further emphasis, just let it be...


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